Thomas Christen1, Benjamin Lemasson1,
Nicolas Pannetier1, Regine Farion1, Christoph Segebarth1,
Chantal Remy1, Emmanuel Louis Barbier1
have investigated the influence of the hematocrit on the MR estimates of
Blood Volume fraction (BVf), Vessel Size Index (VSI) and local SO2 (lSO2). In
healthy rats, the hematocrit was either decreased using isovolumic
hemodilution or increased using an intermittent hypoxia preconditionning.
Measurements obtained with MR were compared to quantitative histology and
blood gas analysis. Our results showed variations of lSO2 (consistent with a
stable tissue oxygenation level), variations of BVf and no changes in VSI
between groups of animals. In all cases MRI and biology remains correlated
suggesting a linear effect of hematocrit on the MR estimates.