Signe Johanna Vannesj1, Lars Kasper1,
Matteo Pavan1, Christoph Barmet1, Klaas Paul Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
ETH and University Zrich,
artefacts is a major problem in MRI, becoming more severe with higher field
strengths and longer read-out trajectories. Updating the shim settings
between acquisition of different slices allows for optimizing the shims to
smaller subvolumes, but puts high requirements on the timing characteristics
of the shim switching. Here the settling dynamics of the higher order shims
were measured using a 3rd order dynamic field camera. Long-living (seconds)
eddy currents were found, which had a significant effect on image quality.
Based on measured k-space trajectories, it was possible to reconstruct phantom
images acquired during eddy current settling.