Martin Zeile1,
Christian Wybranski1, David Loewenthal1, Maciej Pech1,
Frank Fischbach1, Ricarda Ruehl1, Holger Amthauer1,
Jens Ricke1, Oliver Dudeck1
1Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, University Clinic
studies revealed the potential of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) as a
biomarker for predicting tumor response. 41 colorectal liver metastases in 18
patients who underwent SIRT were examined before, 1 to 3 days after and 6
weeks following radioembolization by MRI including DWI. Lesions were categorized
in responding (RL) and non-responding (NRL) according to change in tumor
volume after 6 weeks. On early MRI, NRL showed no change in apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC), while a significant decrease in ADC was noted
for RL (p<0.0001). DWI was capable of predicting therapy response in
patients with colorectal liver metastases following radioembolization.