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Abstract #4605

Azimuthal Sorting in Tandem with Elliptical Reordering (ASTER): A New K-Space Reordering Scheme for Reduced Motion Sensitivity

Manojkumar Saranathan1, Ersin Bayram2, Ananth Madhuranthakam3

1Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Rochester, MN, USA; 2MR Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA; 3Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Boston, MA, USA

MRI is very sensitive to motion, particularly in 3D acquisitions where temporally localized motion can propagate across the whole reconstructed volume. In cardiac and abdominal imaging applications, subjects are required to suspend their respiration for a period of 15-25s to minimize ghosting and blurring artifacts. Breath-holding poses difficulties in pediatric and elderly subjects. We propose ASTER (Azimuthal Sorting in Tandem with Elliptical Reordering), a novel k-space reordering scheme that minimizes sensitivity to motion whilst permitting flexible combination with magnetization preparation schemes. We demonstrate the validity of our scheme using PSF simulations and volunteer data from abdominal imaging.
