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Abstract #4508

Counteracting RF Inhomogeneity on the Upper Legs at 3T Using Strongly Modulating Pulses

Nicolas Boulant1, Alexandre Vignaud2, Pierre G. Carlier3

1CEA, NeuroSpin, Gif sur Yvette, France; 2Siemens Healthcare, St Denis, France; 3Piti Salptrire University Hospital, Institute of Myology , Paris, France

Strongly modulating pulses have been used to homogenize the flip angle on upper legs at 3 T. The muscle and fat tissues were discriminated in the pulse design algorithm via their resonance frequencies to achieve different flip angles. By implementing a double Ernst angle, we demonstrate a higher signal to noise ratio for both tissues (on average) in addition to a better signal uniformity in spoiled gradient echo experiments. Measurements of the flip angle using the AFI sequence are also reported.