Lirong Yan1, Yan Zhuo1, Jiongjiong Wang2
1State Key Lab of Brain & Cognition, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 2Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Contrast-enhanced dynamic MR angiography (CE-dMRA) has received considerable attention recently. Its temporal resolution, however, is generally on the order of seconds and the method requires intravenous injection of contrast agent. We propose a novel method for noninvasive 4D dynamic MRA by marrying ASL with a multi-phase TrueFISP readout. Interleaved inversion recovery TrueFISP acquisitions were carried out following slice-selective or non-selective inversion pulses. We show high quality dynamic MRA of the Circle of Willis with millimeter spatial resolution and millisecond temporal resolution. A theoretical model has been proposed for quantification of blood flow within blood vessels.