Shaolin Yang1, Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD, USA
Glutathione (GSH) is a major intracellular antioxidant. Due to spectral overlap with other metabolites, spectral editing has been primarily employed to measure GSH. A recent report suggested resolving the GSH resonance at 2.54 ppm using a standard STEAM sequence with optimized (TE, TM) parameters. However, N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG), which also yields proton resonances around 2.54 ppm, was ignored. In this study, we extended the (TE, TM) optimization originally proposed in that report by adding NAAG as another overlapping metabolites, and found optimized (TE, TM) parameters for resolved GSH measurement at 3T. Phantom and human experiments were conducted for verification.