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Abstract #3535

Impact of Coil Diameter and Number of Coil Elements on B1 Destructive Interferences with Stripline Coil Arrays at 7 Tesla.

Akgun C, Ugurbil K, Vaughan T, Snyder C, Van de Moortele P, DelaBarre L, Adriany G
University of Minnesota

It has been shown that destructive B1+ interferences between complex B1+ vectors result in ""bright center, dark periphery"" patterns in axial images of the brain with coil arrays at 7T. We investigate, with 1, 8 and 16 stripline coil arrays how B1+ profile is impacted by altering a) distance between coil elements and sample and b) number of coil elements. We demonstrate, at 7 Tesla, that larger diameter coil arrays, and more numerous coil elements result in much smoother patterns of B1 destructive interferences in the periphery of a phantom (even though those destructive interferences still have large amplitude).