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Abstract #2171

Reproducibility and SNR Optimization of Quantitative T2 Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging with a Dual-Echo Technique

Hatsukami T, Yuan C, Wang J, Yarnykh V
VA Puget Sound Health Care System

T2 mapping of atherosclerosis plaque allows accurate tissue component characterization. In this study, dual-echo fast spin echo sequence is optimized for the purpose of highly reproducible T2-mapping. Both phantom and in vivo study show that this optimization approach will greatly promote the reproducibility of T2 mapping technique and the tissue characterization reliability of MRI.
reproducibilityspacingphantomtabletissuein vivomappingoptimizedatherosclerosisdualoptimizationplaqueprotocolprotocolsscannedaccordingcharacterizationcorrelationdefineddeviationefficienterrorhistogramsimproveindicates