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Abstract #2170

In vivo Automated Quantification of Fibrous Tissue Content in Atherosclerosis Plaque MRI with T2-Mapping and Contrast Enhanced (TMCE) Technique

Saam T, Wang J, Yarnykh V, Hatsukami T, Yuan C, Ferguson M, Zhu T
University of Washington

In vivo identification and quantification of fibrous tissue content in atherosclerosis plaque has always been envisaged as either controversial or complicate. In this study, an automatic technique based on T2 Mapping and Contrast Enhanced (TMCE) MRI is developed. Results show that this technique is highly sensitive and reliable, which will greatly expedite the computer-assisted analysis in plaque MRI.
fibroustissuecontrasthistologyplaqueidentifiedcarotidmanualatherosclerosiscorrelationhighlyin vivorevieweragreementcontentcontoursenhancedgeneratedidentificationpost