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Abstract #1431

Simultaneous monitoring of MRgFUS temperature and tissue stiffness in real time

Glaser K, Primak S, Le Y, Manduca A, Ehman R, Felmlee J
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

This work is to study the feasibility of simultaneous monitoring of the temperature and tissue stiffness change during focused ultrasound treatment using 1D MR elastography. The results shows that the phase shift in the MRE data due to temperature can be detected and correlate well with the temperature measured by thermometer. In the tissue and animal test it is shown that the trend of temperature change and stiffness change in treated tissue can be calculated from the 1D MRE data in real time. This result shows promising of using 1D MRE as a means of focused ultrasound therapy monitoring.
temperaturemeasuredultrasounddisplacementtissuestiffnessin vivotreatmentablationfocusmotionrealfocusedgradientsmeasuremonitorpulsedsensitizingsimultaneouslyaccordingbarsbreastcliniccollectedcollegecorrelatescurvedetectederrorindicateintervalsmayomeasuringmedicinemonitoringnegativephantompositivepreviousrepresentshearsimultaneoussystemthermometertumorwavesablateacquisitionacquisitions