Xinwei Lei1, Jin QU1, Ying ZHAN1, Huixia Li1, and Yu Zhang2
1Tianjin First Center Hospital, Tianjin, China, People's Republic of, 2Philips Healthcare, Beijin, China, People's Republic of
The aim of study was to explore whether
synovitis and bone erosion judged by ADC values correspond exactly or not to
those judged by CE-MRI. 25 patients were examined by 3.0T MR including DWI and
CE-MRI. ADC value of synovitis and bone erosion was significantly lower than
that of joint effusion and cysts. ADC values of 2.0 was found distinguishing
joint effusion from synovitis, and bone erosion from cysts. Therefore, MR
diffusion provides additional information to the routine MRI sequences
rendering it an effective non-invasive tool in differentiating between
synovitis and joint effusion, as well as bone erosion and