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Abstract #4865

Automatic Gradient Delay Correction Using Center-Acquisition-at-Partial-Ramp Imaging (CAPRI)

Anna-Katinka Bracher 1 , Erich Hell 2 , Johannes Ulrici 2 , and Volker Rasche 1

1 Internal Medicine II, University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, BW, Germany, 2 Sirona Dental Systems, HE, Germany

Center-Out imaging sequences like UTE are very sensitive to trajectory imprecision in waveform and to k-space shift due to system delays. In this article an automatic delay correction method is introduced to determinate the delays by direct measurement of the echo peak shift. Therefore a conventional UTE imaging sequence is combined with an additional pre-phasing gradient to shift k-space center along the rising slope of the readout gradient. Furthermore the signal acquisition is started in front of k-space origin to acquire a partial echo for echo peak detection.

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