Abstract #4682
An Investigation into the Formation and Histology of Focal Basal Ganglia Mineralization with quantitative MRI
Andreas Glatz 1 , Lukas Pirpamer 2 , Christian Langkammer 2 , Maria C. Valds Hernndez 1 , Mark E. Bastin 1 , Joanna M. Wardlaw 1 , Franz Fazekas 2 , Reinhold Schmidt 2 , and Stefan Ropele 2
Brain Research Imaging Centre, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom,
of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Styria,
Multifocal T2*-weighted hypointensities in the basal
ganglia are linked to focal mineralization and have been
proposed as a novel biomarker for microvascular disease
and ageing. In this study we investigated the
progression of basal ganglia T2*w hypointensities and
the histology of the underlying tissue with quantitative
MRI in a cohort of 300 community-dwelling subjects (183
females; 64 11 years) without history or signs of
neuropsychiatric disorders. The results indicate a
significant association of their volume with age and
that they are linked to mostly aggregated and
paramagnetic trace metals, which might be of vascular
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