Abstract #3757
NMR based metabolomic approach to study system responses of rat to tungsten exposure in multiple biological matrices
Ritu Tyagi 1 , Poonam Rana 1 , Mamta Gupta 1 , Deepak Bhatnagar 2 , Raja Roy 3 , and Subash Khushu 1
NMR Research centre, Institute of Nuclear
Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), DELHI, DELHI,
of Biochemistry, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidayalaya, Indore,
M.P., India,
of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance (CBMR), Sanjay Gandhi
Post Graduate of Medical Science Campus (SGPGI),
Lucknow, U.P., India
Tungsten(W) is a complex metal that has numerous
applications due to its tensile strength and high
melting point. 1H NMR spectroscopy based study has been
conducted on urine, liver and kidney extracts samples
for identification of metabolite markers for W toxicity.
Urine samples were collected at 8, 16, 24, 72 and 120h
whereas tissue extracts were prepared for 24, 72 and
120h post dose for low, moderate and high doses of
Na2WO4.2H2O. Spectral analysis showed dose dependent
alterations in various metabolites associated with renal
and hepatic toxicity and could be been seen as early as
8h post dose.
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