Abstract #3716
Dual echo based referenceless thermometry for MRgFUS applications
Manivannan Jayapalan 1
MR Software and Applications, GE Healthcare,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Thermal monitoring in Magnetic Resonance guided Focused
Ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatments is a crucial step where
the phase images from MR images are used to get thermal
maps. One of the widely used techniques is PRF shift
technique that involves some form of image subtraction
using a baseline pre-treatment image. Subject motion and
tissue deformation due to coagulation can severely
distort these techniques. Self-referenced methods [1]
help to overcome this hurdle where the baseline phase in
the region-of-interest (ROI) is estimated using the data
available outside the hot zone (ROI) and subtracted with
actual phase to get the thermal maps. In this work a new
technique is described, where the baseline phase inside
the ROI is estimated using the data acquired from two
echos and their phase difference outside ROI. This
method not only eliminates the need for baseline
subtraction but also produces better results as the
reference echo used in generating the model is acquired
along same location
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