Abstract #3549
Non-contrast-enhanced free-breathing lung imaging using high-speed MRI data acquisition and phase dispersion analysis
Yu Li 1 , David Roach 1,2 , and Jason Woods 1,2
Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States,
for Pulmonary Imaging Research, Cincinnati Children's
Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
We developed a new non-contrast-enhanced lung imaging
technique using high-speed dynamic data acquisition and
phase dispersion analysis. By evaluating regional MRI
phase dispersion of dynamic lung images during free
breathing, image contrast may be generated from
susceptibility changes in pulmonary parenchyma. We found
that temporal behaviors of MRI phase dispersion may be
used to investigate lung function by examining regional
susceptibility changes dynamically in every respiration
cycle. This offers a new imaging technique that has the
potential to improve functional imaging of the lung.
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