Abstract #3194
Simultaneous Determination of Electrical Properties and Proton Density in a Generalized Gradient-based Electrical Properties Tomography
Jiaen Liu 1 , Xiaotong Zhang 1 , Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele 2 , Sebastian Schmitter 2 , and Bin He 1,3
Biomedical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States,
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States,
for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Electrical properties tomography (EPT), which utilizes
measurable radiofrequency field (B1) information to
image the electrical properties (EP) of tissue,
including conductivity and permittivity, holds promises
in both clinical diagnosis and real time
subject-specific quantification of specific absorption
rate. In a previous study, we have derived and validated
a gradient-based EPT (gEPT) approach with significantly
improved boundary reconstruction and fidelity against
measurement noise. Here, a more generalized method for
gEPT is introduced to quantitatively solve gEPT under
the practical situation when proton density is unknown.
As a result, both EP and proton density can be obtained
with satisfactory boundary reconstruction.
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