Abstract #2992
3D Radial GRE-EPI with up to 8-fold acceleration for functional imaging at 9.4T
Philipp Ehses 1,2 , G. Shajan 1 , and Klaus Scheffler 1,2
High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute
for Biological Cybernetics, Tbingen, Germany,
of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tbingen,
Tbingen, Germany
Increasing acquisition speed is beneficial in fMRI since
it increases statistical power and allows the separation
of physiological noise from the time series. An
effective means to achieve this speed is to combine EPI
with parallel imaging. 3D EPI allows very high parallel
imaging factors since acceleration can be performed in
both phase-encoding directions. Non-Cartesian parallel
imaging can potentially allow even higher acceleration
by exploiting coil sensitivities in all three
dimensions. To this end, a 3D radial EPI sequence was
developed and first results with up to 8-fold radial
GRAPPA acceleration are presented from finger tapping
experiments at 9.4T.
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