Abstract #2777
In vivo real time metabolic imaging using frequency selective bSSFP and hyperpolarized compounds
Najat Salameh
, Jean-Nol Hyacinthe
Andrea Capozzi
, and Arnaud Comment
Institut de Physique des Systmes
Biologiques, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland,
cole de Sant, University of Applied Sciences Western
Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland
The specific constraints of hyperpolarized (HP) MRI are
linked to the single-shot nature of the experiments due
to the polarization decay. Several acquisition
strategies have been developed to rapidly image the
spatial distribution of multiple compounds in order to
track the metabolism of HP substrates in vivo. Some
techniques use RF pulses properties for interleaved
acquisition of different substrates by
frequency-specific excitation, whereas other approaches
use the inherent frequency selectivity of MRI sequences
using multi-echo or SSFP-based techniques. From these
developments, we propose an improved strategy for real
time imaging of HP substrates and metabolites in mice
brain and liver.
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