Abstract #2698
Whole-brain Perfusion Measurements at 7T using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling and Simultaneous Multi-slice Multi-echo Echo Planar Imaging
Dimo Ivanov 1,2 , Benedikt A Poser 1,2 , Laurentius Huber 3 , Josef Pfeuffer 4 , and Kmil Uludağ 1,2
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands,
Brain Imaging Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands,
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany,
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
Despite potential advantages of performing ASL at 7T,
its successful implementation poses significant
technical challenges related to SAR constraints and
B1-inhomogeneities. In this work, we propose a
combination of FAIR QUIPSSII labelling scheme, utilizing
optimized tr-FOCI inversion pulses, and simultaneous
multi-slice, multi-echo EPI readout for high-SNR
whole-brain perfusion measurements. This approach offers
high temporal resolution simultaneous CBF and BOLD
measurements that can find application in both
neuroscientific and clinical studies at 7T.
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