Abstract #2640
Apparent Indices in the Rat Brain by Angular Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRI at Finite Mixing Time Collected With Different Experimental Conditions
Debbie Anaby 1 , Darya Morozov 1 , and Yoram Cohen 1,2
School of Chemistry, The Raymond and Beverly
Sackler Faculty of Exact Science, Tel-Aviv University,
Tel-Aviv, Ramat-Aviv, Israel,
School of Neurosciences, Tel-Aviv University,
Ramat-Aviv, Israel
Angular double-pulsed-field gradient (d-PFG) MRI has
been suggested as an alternative for studying
microstructure in the brain. It has been shown that
angular d-PFG MR experiments performed with long tms are
able to distinguish between compartments with different
eccentricities. Here, we study the effects of different
experimental parameters on the obtained apparent
eccentricity (aE) and residual phase maps of an ex-vivo
rat brain obtained from angular d-PFG MRI collected with
finite tms.
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