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Abstract #2076

Time resolved MR angiography in patients with MS, their healthy siblings and unrelated controls.

Enedino Hernndez-Torres 1 , Lindsay Machan 1 , Dessa Sadovnick 2 , Nancy Martin 1 , Warren Perera 1 , Anthony L Traboulsee 2,3 , David Li 1 , and Alexander Rauscher 1

1 Radiology, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2 MS Clinic, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3 Neurology, UBC, BC, Canada

It has been suggested that multiple sclerosis may be associated with changes in the brain's draining veins. In this study we investigated the existence of those changes using time resolved MR angiography in three different groups: patients with MS, their healthy siblings and unrelated controls. We analyzed the cerebral circulation times for the three groups and did not find significant differences between the different groups (p>0.2). The results obtained suggests that drainage abnormalities are not characteristic for MS.

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