Abstract #1950
A longitudinal study of the corpus callosum size and shape in early Alzheimers disease
Babak A Ardekani 1 , Alvin H Bachman 1 , and Sang Han Lee 1
The Nathan S. Kline Institute for
Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, New York, United
We studied the rate of change of the area and
circularity (CIR) of the corpus callosum in normal aging
and early AD using 75 normal controls (NC), 51 mild
cognitively impaired (MCI), and 21 mild AD (AD)
subjects, scanned about two years apart. Programs
automatically segmented and measured the CC. The CIR
declined significantly with time in all three groups.
Furthermore, the rates of decline were significantly
different between groups. Change in the circularity of
the corpus callosum may be a useful imaging biomarker of
AD progression.
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