Abstract #1623
Evaluation of dynamic off-resonance correction of respiratory instability in MRI signals for high-order spherical harmonic basis set and multivariate modeling of respiratory sources
Marta Bianciardi 1 , Jonathan R Polimeni 1 , Kawin Setsompop 1 , Cornelius Eichner 1 , Berkin Bilgic 1 , and Lawrence L Wald 1
Department of Radiology, A.A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States
Chest motion due to respiration produces off-resonance
(OR) effects in the brain, resulting in
signal-instability in both structural and functional
MRI. Previous work performed dynamic OR-correction using
a second-order spatial model, and a univariate temporal
respiratory model. Aim of this work was to evaluate
dynamic OR correction for increased degrees-of-freedom
in both spatial and temporal domain. Our results
demonstrate the benefits of higher order (up to the
fifth) spatial models combined with the use of bivariate
temporal modeling of respiratory effects. These findings
show the expected dynamic capabilities of high-order
shim-arrays at high magnetic field and on a whole-brain
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