Abstract #1622
Joint Field Map and Metabolite Image Reconstruction Framework for Hyperpolarized 13 C Spiral CSI
Ulrich Koellisch 1,2 , Rolf F. Schulte 2 , Markus Durst 1,2 , Axel Haase 1 , and Florian Wiesinger 2
IMETUM, Technical University Mnchen,
Munich, Germany,
Global Research, Munich, Germany
An algorithm for IDEAL spiral CSI reconstruction of
hyperpolarized 13C metabolites is presented. It
calculates field maps or CS frequencies and metabolite
images with a joint estimation approach. The field maps
gets estimated by a set of polynomials. The estimation
of the CS-frequencies decreases the number of necessary
excitations, because no extra spectra have to be
recorded. The application of the off-resonance
correction on in-vivo datasets has shown, that this
approach increases the image quality due to a reduced
amount of blurring in the metabolite maps.
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