Abstract #1494
Accuracy of VIBE and TSE for High Resolution Imaging of the Mandibular Nerve
Jakob Kreutner 1 , Andreas J. Hopfgartner 2 , Julian Boldt 3 , Kurt Rottner 3 , Ernst J. Richter 3 , Peter M. Jakob 1,2 , and Daniel Haddad 1
MRB-Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Wrzburg, Germany,
Physics 5, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany,
Dental School, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany
Recent studies have shown the accuracy of a VIBE
sequence in visualizing the mandibular canal compared to
X-ray based methods. In order to increase resolution
without unnecessarily lengthen acquisition time a small
field of view is needed. This can be achieved by using
regional saturation bands in VIBE or local look
technique in TSE sequences to avoid aliasing artifacts.
Since TSE offers higher SNR and in combination with
local look technique is more comfortable to set up, we
compared both methods by calculating the surface
difference of the mandibular canal.
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