Abstract #1242
MRI parameters as predictive factors of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis progression
Delphine Perie 1,2 , Maxime Huber 1,2 , Guillaume Gilbert 3 , and Hubert Labelle 2
Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique
de Montral, Montreal, QC, Canada,
Center, CHU Sainte Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada,
Healthcare, Montreal, QC, Canada
Scoliosis deformities progress more during skeletal
growth, producing asymmetric loading. But the remaining
question is why does scoliosis progress in some people
but either does not progress or spontaneously corrects
itself in others? We performed the first
multi-parametric MRI acquisition in vivo on eight
patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The
results validated our hypothesis: T1rho, T2, MTR, ADC
and FA within the intervertebral disc are modified in a
specific way during scoliosis progression. The
possibility to predict the evolution of the disc
degeneration will allow a better target of the surgical
or orthopaedic treatment than what is done today.
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