Abstract #1201
Fully Exploiting the PILS Effect for High Performance Joint imaging: Benefits of Coil Arrays with S/I Sensitivity
Habib Al saleh 1 , Richard Kijowski 2 , and Walter F Block 1,3
Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States,
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
United States
For a single row, phased array knee coil, the azimuthal
coil arrangement reduces sensitivity in the transverse
plane and hence the PILS effect reduces the number of
radial lines required to fully sample an axial slice.
However, accelerating volumetric scans is limited as the
coil arrangement provides no variation in sensitivity in
the S/I dimension . We compare the impact of a multiple
row arrangement against a single coil design in 3D
radial joint imaging through the following 2 studies: 1)
varying the undersampling factor for a given resolution
while maintaining the same stochastic noise level and 2)
a comparison of image quality with challenging 0.33 mm
isotropic resolution scan in 8 minutes. Preliminary
results demonstrate significantly higher image through
use of a multiple row coil with S/I sensitivity.
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