Abstract #1014
Cerebral Blood Flow MRI and CBF fMRI of Rat Brain up to 50x38x1000μm
Qiang Shen 1 , Shiliang Huang 1 , and Timothy Q Duong 1
Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States
We previously reported high spatial resolution basal CBF
maps of rat brain at 75x56x1000μm. In this study, we
further pushed the spatial resolution to 50x38x1000μm
for basal CBF imaging. Moreover, we also investigated
lamina-specific CBF fMRI responses in a rat forepaw
stimulation model. Comparison was made with
lamina-specific BOLD fMRI responses. High resolution CBF
map showed remarkable columnar and layer specific
perfusion information in the cortex. Layer IV and VI
showed higher CBF, likely associated with higher basal
metabolic needs. The CBF fMRI responses peaked broadly
in layer IV-V, whereas the BOLD fMRI responses peaked in
the superficial layers.
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