Abstract #0418
Partial Volume Correction of 3D GRASE ASL images using T1 maps acquired with the same readout scheme
Ruth Oliver 1 , Enrico De Vita 1 , Xavier Golay 1 , and David Thomas 1
Institute of Neurology, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
Partial volume effects due to low spatial resolution are
known to introduce errors in quantification of perfusion
estimates using ASL. This is particularly problematic in
patients where atrophy is and cortical thinning occurs.
The most common correction methods are based on
segmentations of anatomical data which are transformed
to perfusion space. This can introduce a significant
error into the correction method. A comparison is made
of partial volume corrected grey matter flow values
using segmentations derived from anatomical data and
GRASE data, for single time point ASL.
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