Abstract #0140
Liver R 2 * Dependence on Liver Storage Iron in Highly Iron Overloaded Patients: comparing 1.5 T to 3 T
Arthur Peter Wunderlich 1 , Steffen Klmpken 1 , Holger Cario 2 , Markus Juchems 1 , and Meinrad Beer 1
Dept. for Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany,
Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany
The liver of iron overloaded patients was scanned with
breathhold multicontrast GRE sequences at 1.5 T and 3 T.
To address high liver iron content (LIC) resulting in
high R
* values we used short echo spacing
resulting in out-of-phase signal for fat and water.
Therefore, liver fat fraction had to be included as free
parameter for data fit. Four different flip angles lead
to sufficient measurement data reliably above image
noise at the cost of T
additional fit parameter. Data were fit to theory by
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Dependence of R
on LIC was compared between field strengths.
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