Abstract #0129
Exploring the diffusivity changes of diffuse excessive high signal intensity (DEHSI) in preterm neonates by using two-compartment white matter model based on DKI
Jie Gao 1 , Xianjun Li 1,2 , Yumiao Zhang 1 , Yanyan Li 1 , Qinli Sun 1 , Xue Luo 1,2 , Bolang Yu 1 , and Jian Yang 1,2
Department of radiology, the first
affiliated hospital of medical college, Xi'an Jiaotong
University, Xi'an, Shannxi, China,
Engineering, School of Life Science and Technology,
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shannxi, China
Diffuse excessive high signal intensity (DEHSI) is
extremely common in preterm infants. Its still under
debate about whether it represents a true white mater(WM)
abnormality or just the relative immature in WM.
Two-compartment WM model based on DKI can provides
analytical expressions for the intra- and extra-axonal
diffusion tensors and may be helpful in further
exploring the diffusivity changes in DEHSI. So in this
study, 8 preterm neonates with DEHSI and 8 matched
controls who underwent MRI at term-equivalent age were
enrolled. All diffusion parameters(FA=fractional
anisotropy, MD=mean diffusivity, AD=axial diffusivity,
RD=radial diffusivity, MK=mean kurtosis, AK=axial
kurtosis, RK=radial kurtosis, AWF= axonal water
fraction, Da=intra-axonal diffusivity, De=axial
extra-axonal space diffusivity, De= radial
extra-axonal space diffusivity, =tortuosity) were
compared between the two groups. The increased MD, AD,
RD, De, De and no significantly changed MK, AK, RK,
Da, AWF indicated that the diffusion changes in DEHSI
were mainly due to the increased water and/or enlarged
space in extra-axonal space, rather than injuries to
axons or the process of myelination.
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