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Abstract #4215

Dual-energy CT-based bone marrow imaging in multiple myeloma: Assessment of focal lesions in relation to disease status and MRI findings

Sebastian Werner1, Bernhard Krauss2, and Marius Horger1
1Radiology, University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany

Retrospective quantitative evaluation of 103 focal osteolytic lesions of the axial skeleton in virtual-non-calcium bone marrow images of 32 multiple myeloma patients in correlation to hematologic disease status, T1w signal intensity and ADC. Virtual-non-calcium bone marrow imaging allows differentiation between overall active and inactive disease with higher attenuation signifying an increasing likelihood of active disease. This is supported by a significant positive correlation between the attenuation and the ADC, as well as a corresponding inverse correlation to T1w signal intensity.

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