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Abstract #4834

MR-guided-radiotherapy gating using 3D positional probability volume derived from time-resolved volumetric MRI: A conceptual study

Jing Yuan1, Oi Lei Wong1, Yihang Zhou1, Yick Wing Ho1, Kin Yin Cheung1, and Siu Ki Yu1
1Medical Physics and Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong

In this study, we proposed a conceptual MRgRT gating strategy using the organ’s motion positional probability volume (PPV) derived from the time-resolved volumetric MRI, aiming to improve treatment accuracy and efficiency. We demonstrated it for the scenario of kidney MRgRT using prospectively acquired CAIPIRINHA-accelerated VIBE MRI data at 1.5T from 7 healthy volunteers. Gating efficiencies of the proposed method were compared to those using the conventional 40%-60% respiratory phase gating. The results showed that the proposed method achieved significantly higher gating efficiency with similar target positional accuracy, indicating its potential value in the future individualized adaptive MRgRT.

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