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Abstract #4769

A method for automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid using whole-body Diffusion-Weighted MRI

Antonio Candito1, Nina Tunariu1, Richard Holbrey1, Matthew R Orton1, David Collins1, Martin O Leach1, Matthew D Blackledge1, and Dow-Mu Koh1
1The Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom

Whole-body Diffusion-Weighted MRI (WBDWI) is an emerging tool for quantitative assessment of the response/progression of metastatic bone disease from advanced prostate cancer and myeloma. The tumour apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measured by WBDWI shows sensitivity for assessing treatment response, but requires accurate bone disease segmentation. Automatic delineation of the spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on WBDWI enables clear separation of the spinal cord from disease within the adjacent vertebral column leading to accurate bone disease segmentation. We have developed a new edge-detection method for automatic delineation of the spinal cord and surrounding CSF from WBDWI.

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