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Abstract #4359

Mitigating Impacts of Tissue-Heterogeneity and Noise Bias on MP-PCA Denoising for High-Quality Diffusion MRI

Cornelius Eichner1, Michael Paquette1, Angela D Friederici1, and Alfred Anwander1
1Department of Neuropsychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

Advanced diffusion MRI (dMRI) data with high resolution and strong diffusion contrast typically suffer from low SNR levels. Therefore, denoising algorithms such as MP-PCA became an essential part of current dMRI processing pipelines. To overcome challenges related to violations of MP-PCAs assumption of tissue homogeneity in typical dMRI data, we here introduce an informed-MP-PCA (iMP-PCA) algorithm taking local differences in tissue composition into account. Denoising-performance of iMP-PCA was compared to conventional MP-PCA and evaluated on both magnitude and real-valued dMRI data. iMP-PCA was shown to significantly improve denoising-performance, especially at tissue boundaries and in regions of low SNR.

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