Rohit Apurva1, Niraj Yadav1, Miheer Mayekar1, Bhaskara Naik1, Tapas Bhuiya1, and Rajesh Harsh1
1Technology Innovation Department, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, Mumbai, India
To improve the
homogeneity of magnetic field and SNR of the Image by a factor of √2, quadrature feeding is
required. For Quadrature Feeding, Hybrid coupler is an essential microwave
circuit, but at RF range the size of hybrid coupler is large. To make it
miniaturized and to overcome the problem of power handling capacity (compared to lumped element) we have
proposed coaxial cable with inductive loading. This technique minimizes the
size of hybrid by 75% and has a coupling of 3dB and phase difference of 900
at 63.87MHz.