Miheer Pradeep Mayekar1, Rohit Apurva1, Bhaskara Naik1, and Rajesh Harsh1
1Technology Innovation Department, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research, Mumbai, India
The excessive high-power during transmission saturates or in
worst case damages the preamplifier. In shunt switch an artificial (lumped
component) uniform λ/4 section is inserted between two shunt diodes to
increase its isolation. To restore the preamplifier-decoupling performance
degraded by λ/4
section, it is required to add lossy tuning components e.g. varactor diodes to
change the λ/4
section’s phase. We are proposing a pin-diode shunt RF switch with two lumped
component non-uniform λ/4 sections which will maintain the preamplifier
decoupling performance during reception
sans complex tuning components and provides additional isolation
of around 10-db as compared to uniform λ/4 sections.