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Abstract #3382

Design of deep neural network in time-phase encoding plane for compressed sensing cardiovascular CINE MRI

Chang-Beom Ahn1 and Seong-Jae Park1
1Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

We build a deep neural network in time-phase encoding plane (t-y) for compressed sensing cardiovascular CINE MRI. Previously neural networks were developed in cross-sectional image planes (x-y). A hierarchical convolutional neural network (CNN), known as U-net is used. By adopting the t-y plane, instead of the x-y plane, simultaneous restoration in time and space is effectively achieved. By computer simulation, the proposed deep neural network based on the t-y plane shows better cross-sectional images, clearer temporal profiles, and less normalized mean square errors compared to that of the x-y plane.

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