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Abstract #2545

Pancreaticobiliary System Evaluation via BH-MRCP using SPACE: A Comparison with Conventional NT-MRCP at 3 Tesla

Qiuxia Luo1, Xiaoyong Zhang2, Qianwei Xie1, Guijin Li3, Bingjun He1, and Jin Wang1
1The Third Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2MR Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare Ltd, Shenzhen, China, 3Siemens Healthcare Ltd, Guangzhou, China

Conventional three-dimensional navigator-triggered magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (NT-MRCP) is widely used in clinics for the evaluation of the anatomy and abnormalities of the pancreaticobiliary system. However, the method has limitations because of its extensive time to acquire images. This study explored the efficiency and the clinical utility of 3D breath-hold MRCP (BH-MRCP) as an alternative to conventional NT-MRCP at 3 Tesla. Based on these, methods used on a sample population of 25 patients, the results showed that the BH-MRCP technique can be a viable alternative to enhance the clinical workflow of pancreatobiliary MRI.

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