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Abstract #0756

High impedance coils versus conventional loop coils for transmit purposes: a comparison using an eight channel head coil array for 7 Tesla

Carel Costijn van Leeuwen1, Masoud Mazraeh Mollaei Sharifian2, Luca van Dijk1, Konstantin Simovski2, and Alexander J. E. Raaijmakers1,3
1Department of radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 3Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

This study compares high impedance coils to conventional loop coils for transmit purposes at 7 Tesla. A new design for high impedance coils is presented. Two eight-channel head arrays of equal dimensions were created; one using high impedance coils, one with conventional loops. B1 field maps are produced to compare transmit efficiency. Scattering parameters are measured in various loading conditions to compare inter-element coupling. The high impedance coils perform worse in terms of transmit efficiency, and better in terms of coupling.

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