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Abstract #5063

Inversion Recovery Susceptibility Weighted Imaging with Enhanced T2 Weighting (IR-SWIET): Application to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesions

Neville D Gai1, Govind Nair2, Erin S Beck2, and Daniel S Reich2

1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2TNS/NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States

Susceptibility weighted imaging provides important information regarding iron deposition and lesions in multiple sclerosis. However, CSF appears hyperintense on SWI images and can interfere with cortical lesion detection. Cortical lesions are associated with disability and disability progression in MS patients. Here a new 3D sequence (IR-SWIET), which suppresses CSF while maintaining T2 and T2* contrast of SWI is designed and evaluated. IR-SWIET was compared with four other commonly used sequences. CNR analysis in 30 lesions from MS patients showed that the sequence provided superior lesion depiction compared with SWI and compared well with 3D-DIR, MP2RAGE, and FLAIR.

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