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Abstract #4600

Elimination of fold-in artefacts for gradient inserts by using the existing whole-body gradient in synergy

Edwin Versteeg1, Abel Romeijnders1, Jeroen Hendrikse1, Dennis Klomp1, and Jeroen Siero1,2

1University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Spinoza Center for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The short encoding field of a gradient insert makes such a coil susceptible to fold-in artefacts, especially when operated along the z-direction. We propose a method that almost completely eliminates this fold-in artefact by using the whole-body z-gradient as pre-winder and gradient insert (also in z) as readout gradient. This causes signal from outside the linear region of the gradient insert to stay dephased, thus suppressing the signal that folds in. The proposed method is validated and quantified in simulation, and in experiments using a lightweight gradient insert that features a short encoding field.

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