For spoiled steady-state T1-weighted imaging, readout duration (TRO) and repetition time (TR) increase result in greater contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) efficiency. Novel 3D-twisting Yarnball acquisition realizes this advantage without scan-time penalty (more of k-space sampled with increased TRO), but increased TRO results in greater point-spread-function smearing. Following TRO optimization, Yarnball is used to produce whole-brain 0.36x0.36x1.08 mm3 coronal (defined by 1/(2kmax)) images in 10 minutes (with 2 averages). Compared to 3D-MP-RAGE (same scan time and voxel volume) Yarnball images have greater resolution and grey-white CNR, facilitating sharper depiction of internal hippocampus architecture.
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