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Abstract #4153

SAR and temperature distributions in a database of realistic human models for 7T cardiac imaging

Bart R. Steensma1, Ettore F. Meliado1, Erik R. Huijing1, Peter R Luijten1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1, Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1, and Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers1,2

1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Biomedical Image Processing, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

A database of 10 realistic human models was generated to study inter-subject local SAR variation for a 7T cardiac coil array. 10 volunteers were scanned at 1.5T after which DIXON imaging data was segmented in five tissue types. SAR and temperature rise were simulated for these models and 10,000 random phase settings. With 99.9% confidence the local SAR levels will not surpass 3.32 W/kg for 8x1 W input power and after 6 minutes of exposure, the maximum temperature rise is 0.19 ⁰C (99.9% confidence). For 20 seconds of exposure (long breathhold, 99.9% confidence) the temperature rise does not reach more than 0.043 ⁰C.

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