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Abstract #3929

Live figures in BioImage Suite Web for improved results, visualizations, and data transparency

Dustin Scheinost1, Zachariah Saltzman1, Cheryl Lacadie1, Haley Garbus1, John Onofrey1, and Xenophon Papademetris1

1Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States

Figures of neuroimaging results are typically static. In other words, these figures only show the slices and statistical information that the creator of the figures previously selected. However, other researchers may want to visualize other information. Here, we present “live figures” using the BioImage Suite Web (BISWeb) software. “Live figures” represent an encapsulation of all information used to make the figure (i.e. images, slice, thresholds, colormap, etc) that is than saved to a file and can be loaded back into BISWeb. The only requirement to view these “live figures” is a modern web-browser. No other software needs to be installed.

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