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Abstract #3549

Time Dependence in B-Tensor Encoding

Noemi G. Gyori1,2, Kiran K. Seunarine2, Matt G. Hall2, Christopher A. Clark2, Daniel C. Alexander1, and Enrico Kaden1

1Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom

B-tensor encoding is becoming increasingly popular in microstructural imaging. In this technique microscopic tissue features are estimated by using different gradient waveforms that typically have different time regimes. This work studies for the first time two potential time-dependence issues that arise from these methods in-vivo in the human brain. We detect time-dependence effects in both cases, and even though these are small on a clinical system, they should not be overlooked.

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