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Abstract #3509

Sub-Millimeter Isotropic DTI and fiber tractography of the human Spinal Cord in-vivo

Iain P Bruce1, Christopher Petty1, and Allen W Song1

1Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States

The ability to characterize complex microstructures in the small cross-sectional area of the spinal cord through diffusion tensor imaging has traditionally been limited by the achievable spatial resolution in-vivo. Through ultra-high spatial resolution diffusion imaging, this study presents a technique for accurately delineating complex fiber pathways such as the corticospinal tracts. When imaged with sub-millimeter isotropic spatial resolutions, it is possible to characterize intricate details in the spinal cord such as the bifurcations and decussations of the corticospinal tracts. The improved delineation of neural pathways in the spinal cord could facilitate the placement of stimulation electrodes for movement disorder treatments.

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