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Abstract #2997

Multi-parametric analysis reveals metabolic and vascular effects driving differences in BOLD cerebrovascular reactivity associated with a history of sport concussion

Allen Anthony Champagne1, Mike Germuska2, Nicole S Coverdale1, and Douglas J Cook1,3

1Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 2Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Center, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3Department of Surgery, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada

In this study, we identified robust differences in BOLD-CVR across the brain which were explained, in part, by hemodynamic parameters relating to CBF modulation, and resting metabolic and vascular physiology. These results emphasize that while BOLD-CVR offers promises as a surrogate biomarker for cerebrovascular health, following sport-concussion, multiple hemodynamic parameters can affect its relative measurements. Thus, multi-parametric approaches like the one proposed here should be considered, in order to better understand how head injuries can relate to changes in the vascular reactivity of the brain, post-injury, and avoid naïve interpretation of neuroimaging findings.

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